Smartphone Operating System

Ubuntu Phone OS downloadable ‘late February’

Last week, at a press event, Canonical announced Ubuntu Phone OS. This week, they’ve announced when it’ll be available – almost.

Canonical’s Alan Pope has given a statement saying that ‘late February’ will be the time that those lucky people with a Galaxy Nexus (Google’s flagship Android device) can download an installable image for Ubuntu Phone OS. At the same time, as Ubuntu is an open-source operating system, the source code will also be released, meaning users may be able to compile and trial the mobile OS on their own devices (at their own risk). Why the Nexus? Simply as it’s the cleanest Android device (no proprietary software or skins, like HTC’s or Samsung’s) and fully supported and up-to-date by Google, who make Android.

There appears to be a discrepancy, however, as Shuttleworth spoke at the press release last week that the download would be released ‘in the coming weeks.’ February is later than a few weeks. To iron out all the confusing creases, Canonical’s Richard Collins stated: “[allow time to] maximize all the attention we want to gain [with Ubuntu Phone OS]” Of course, that means that they’re fixing it to make it work better, as every technology company wants to do with their new device, but at least it’s something.

As far as specific dates go, ‘late February’ is not, but it’s almost safe to say that the appearance will be made when Canonical the Ubuntu team make their annual appearance at the Mobile World Congress, from 25th – 28th February.

Ubuntu Phone OS – a mobile version of a well-loved desktop operating system with docking capabilities to launch the desktop OS – is a huge leap as far as technology goes. Therefore, one must realise that the version that debuts next month is almost definitely not going to be complete in terms of features.

OMG! Ubuntu! writes that their hands-on with the device had incomplete features, such as a webkit-based browser (similar to Google’s Chrome); and some features hadn’t even made it to deployment, such as a voice-controlled HUD or mobile equivalent of the Ubuntu Software Centre. It may be, as a result, a good idea if you were considering installing the image, to do so for testing purposes only.

It has been noted, though, that the ‘core phone’ features, such as the calling and SMS-ing modules are in working order, fluid and swift.

All we can do now is wait, and we’ll keep you updated with all the latest involving Ubuntu Phone OS. Take a look at a short trailer for Ubuntu Phone OS below, with all its multi-touch and gestures incorporated.

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